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FY2020 FY2019 FY2018 FY2017 FY2016
Revenue 50,527 42,641 44,498 43,574 41,402
EBITDA 3,609 3,024 2,937 2,615 2,244
Profit before tax from continuing operations 2,311 1,698 1,612 1,563 1,300
Net profit – including discontinued operations 1,534 1,293 1,125 1,196 972
Earnings per share – fully diluted (US cents)
– including discontinued operations
24.1 20.4 17.8 18.9 15.4
Dividend per share (Singapore cents) 13.0 12.5 10.5 10.0 6.5
Dividend payout ratio on net profit (%)# 40 45 43 39 31
Special dividend per share (Singapore cents) 6.5 - - - -
CASH FLOW (US$ million)
Operating cash flows before working capital changes 3,594 2,894 1,961 2,513 2,020
Capital expenditure 1,976 1,813 1,325 938 777
Working capital changes (2,443) 1,098 149 (1,728) (523)
Investment in subsidiaries, joint venture and associates 317 129 417 132 145
BALANCE SHEET (US$ million)+
Shareholders’ funds 18,882 16,763 16,046 15,964 14,435
Total assets 51,020 47,049 45,713 40,933 37,032
Total liabilities 29,637 29,172 28,938 23,947 21,653
Net loans and borrowings 13,605 13,219 13,460 12,596 11,692
Net gearing (x) 0.72 0.79 0.84 0.79 0.81
Net asset value per share (US cents) 298.9 264.4 253.6 252.4 228.5
Net tangible asset per share (US cents) 212.7 179.4 182.8 183.0 159.4

Profit Before Tax By Business Segment

49 % 34 % 9 % 3 % 5 % FY2020
  • Food Products
  • Feed & Industrial Products
  • Plantation and Sugar Milling
  • Others
  • Associates and Joint Ventures
58 % 9 % 37 % % % FY2019
  • Food Products
  • Feed & Industrial Products
  • Plantation and Sugar Milling
  • Others
  • Associates and Joint Ventures
Segmental breakdown calculation excludes unallocated expenses, gains/loss from biological asset revaluation and impairment of goodwill and property, plant and equipment.
* FY2017 figures were restated upon adoption of SFRS (I) 9 Financial Instruments, SFRS (I) 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers and IFRS Convergence. FY2018 figures were restated subsequent to the finalisation of purchase price allocation exercise for the acquisition of Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (“SRSL”) and its subsidiaries.
+ FY2018 figures were restated subsequent to the finalisation of purchase price allocation exercise for the acquisition of Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (“SRSL”) and its subsidiaries.
++ FY2019 figures have been restated subsequent to the finalisation of purchase price allocation exercise for the acquisition of Wilmar GF Singapore Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“GF”) and its subsidiaries in accordance with SFRS(I) 3.
# FY2020 dividend payout ratio on net profit is estimated based on number of shares outstanding as at 31 January 2021.



31 % 65 % 4 % FY2020
  • Food Products
  • Feed & Industrial Products
  • Plantation and Sugar Milling
30 % 65 % 5 % FY2019
  • Food Products
  • Feed & Industrial Products
  • Plantation and Sugar Milling
1 Excludes plantation volume
2 Sugar volume was restated for FY2017 upon adoption of SFRS(I) 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers.

Net Profit*

Earnings Per Share*

Return On Average
Equity (%)*

Dividend Payout Ratio
On Net Profit (%)#