

Wilmar Own Mills

Wilmar operates 45* palm oil mills located across East Malaysia, Indonesia, Ghana and Nigeria. Nine mills in Indonesia are independent operations that purchase fresh fruit bunches (FFB) exclusively from third-party suppliers. For the remaining mills, only one is supplied from own plantations while the other 35 mills source from both own and third-party suppliers. Wilmar’s own mills source 49.0% of FFB from its own plantations, 1.0% from scheme smallholders and the remaining 49.9% from third-party sources. Please click this link for the full list of Wilmar’s own mills.

*One of the mills (Suburmas palm oil mill) is under a joint venture where Wilmar does not have majority shareholding.


Wilmar's Approach to Traceability

Wilmar focuses on traceability based on the quantity of oil from traceable sources, but we also identify the number of mills in our supply chain, the names of mills supplying crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernels (PK) to our downstream facilities, and certification status of our products. We welcome any input from our customers and other stakeholders on our approach.

For a mill to be considered traceable we require:

  • Parent company name
  • Mill name
  • Address
  • Longitude and Latitude coordinates
  • Volumes

Where any part of this information is incomplete, volumes from that particular supplier will be treated as “untraceable”. “Untraceable” does not mean that we do not know who we procure from but that it does not fully meet the above criteria. We know the names and addresses of 100% of our first-tier suppliers.

Wilmar’s calculations of traceable quantities of oil (known as volumetric calculation) include all of the above requirements from each of the mills. Without any of the above data, we classify a mill as untraceable. For products Wilmar buy from third-party refineries, traders and/or bulking installations if it does not have information of the supplying mills, the source is classified as unknown, and products from it are not traceable. Untraceable mills and unknowns considered are declared on the summary sheet of all Wilmar crusher/refinery facilities in Indonesia and Malaysia.

The annual traceability values are calculated on volume supplied during the previous four quarters on a rolling basis for origin and destination refineries.

The traceability data for refineries at origin (Malaysia and Indonesia) is calculated using volumes received from individual mills, Wilmar-owned and third-party refinery transfers, traders and bulking installations; the traceability data for the refineries at destination (all other countries), otherwise also known as 2nd refiners, is calculated from shipment volumes received at the respective destinations. The quantity of oil from each origin has been multiplied by its traceability to calculate overall traceability. Summaries of these refineries on the “Supply Chain Map” section and the “Country Statistics” section include traceability statistics and identify the known source of refineries and trades.

Wilmar's traceability to mill data for full year 2023 was externally verified by Control Union. Please refer to Wilmar's Sustainability Report 2023 page 196-199.
